The main purpose of a lab report is to present scientific or engineering research. The research question you will address is very important, so choose it carefully. I recommend that you locate an issue that interests you on campus and articulate a question about this issue that you want to answer, or a hypothesis or idea that you want to test. Begin with some library and online research. Find sources in credible journals and books. Gather information on the background of your topic and previous relevant research. You may also re-experiment a past experiment for yourself, and you may get the same or different results. You want to add knowledge to the existing knowledge on your topic. Write about your methods, results, and limitations ethically. Use in-text citation and include a reference list. Topics will be decided in class and are subject to my approval.
Ideally, the topic of assignment 3 will tie in with the topic of assignment 4, the engineering proposal and presentation.
Format: APA style, Microsoft Word, appropriate size 12 font, standard margins, double-spaced
Length: minimum 5 pages
Final draft due: Monday March 25, 2019