Solar Panel Team Peer Review of ID Check Proposal:
The purpose statement of the proposal successfully addresses who you are writing to and what you are proposing to improve the CCNY campus. The task section includes a lot of detail and you explained everything well. The survey and the graphs you included are a good addition to the proposal. They are very informative and they make your proposal more appealing. It might be a good idea to focus the proposal more on one building, like NAC, where most classes are held. This way you don’t need to make your budget for 100 turnstiles, and your proposal will be focused on a much smaller scale. For your experience section, make sure you make a separate section for each person.
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Solar Panel Team Peer Review of ID Check Proposal:
The purpose statement of the proposal successfully addresses who you are writing to and what you are proposing to improve the CCNY campus. The task section includes a lot of detail and you explained everything well. The survey and the graphs you included are a good addition to the proposal. They are very informative and they make your proposal more appealing. It might be a good idea to focus the proposal more on one building, like NAC, where most classes are held. This way you don’t need to make your budget for 100 turnstiles, and your proposal will be focused on a much smaller scale. For your experience section, make sure you make a separate section for each person.